All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
Pablo Picasso

Art is essential. It connects us and brings great joy to our lives. By making and creating, we become problem solvers, exercising both sides of our brains. It is a celebration of beauty, a mode to express what is deep within, and a tool to better understand our place in the world.

That which is most essential is often overlooked and taken for granted. The arts are under represented in our schools and communities today. Understanding the importance of art education for our children and youth has been the core inspiration behind our children's art programming over the past three years. It is with great joy that we see this program growing and becoming a consistent and reliable way for parents to enrich their child's lives through art.

Thank you to all of you that have been a part of this journey, so far. We look forward to seeing even more smiles and excitement on children's and parent's faces as our program develops.

Anita Levesque, on behalf of Oxygen Art Centre
Children/Youth Program Coordinator